Major interest of Germany to participate in EVC 2007
The interest of German table tennis players to participate in the European Championships table tennis for Veterans 2007 is great. More than 600 participants have already registered and paid their entry, individually or in groups. Beside them another 100 players have sent their entry form to the organisation, but they have not yet paid. And as you know, if payment is not yet received, the entry is not formally registered.
At the moment that 750 paid entries of German table tennis players are received the following paid entries are put on a waiting list. As you know the number of participants is limited to 2,800 (maximum per country is 750). On the 1st of March 2007 the total number of formally registered and paid entries will be decided. Only if the maximum number of participants is not reached, the participants of the waiting list can be added to the list of players, until the number of 2,800 is reached.
Do not hesitate to send your entry and payment to make sure that you are a player in the EVC 2007!
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